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Journaling has been around for a long time and in this ever-moving, fast-paced information age, journaling stands the test of time.

Here are 3 ways journaling has improved my mental health:

Improved Emotional Intelligence:

Emotional intelligence. The idea–that an ability to understand and manage emotions greatly increases our chances of success–quickly took off, and it went on to greatly influence the way people think about emotions and human behavior.

  • Due to journaling, I feel more control of my emotions and I am able to identify how and why I feel the way I do almost instantly 

Increased frequency of self-talk 

  •  YES, I TALK TO MYSELF. I LOVE THAT Journaling gives me an open platform to self reflect on everything and tell myself positive affirmations and encouraging words

It helps me stay organized with goals and progress.

  • My planner is separate from my journal. I plan in one book and I use my journal to dump every emotion about my plans. This habit helps me stay organized and keep tabs on progress.